Rybářský rozcestník

Etang du Vaulaurent

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Etang du Vaularent is a beautiful lake of 29 acres in Brittany that’s worth traveling. Michel, the owner, keeps the domain very clean with the help of Frédéric (bailiff) who can speak very good English. The friendly Michel and Frédéric will make you feel home.

Any type of angler will be happy: back to basics or with more luxury of the chalets. Even wife and children are welcome: there is a family chalet to book. Do some sightseeing during the day with the family or visit Nantes and when back at the chalet it’s time to catch some nice carps.
The lake counts eight swims: two single swims and six double swims, with a maximum of eleven anglers.
Frédéric has a gardener background; he know’s how to take care of the trees and plants around the lake. Everything looks very well maintained.
At the 18th century the lake was made by the monks to grow fish. Several creeks come together at the lake and because of that the lake will get fresh water all the time.
The average depth is 2,5m. De soil mainly excists of sand with gravel. Only at swim one and two boats are allowed, but not inflatable boats (when the lake has been booked exclusively, all anglers may use a boat with electric motor). Boats are for rent and chalets are available at swim one and two as well.

From November 15th till the end of February a nice discount of 30% is given (except for the rent of chalets and boats).

The stock counts more than 600 carps, with some heavy common and mirror carps. The average weight is around 16 kilo. There are more than 30 20-kilo fish and the top carp weighs 28 kilo. There are no passion chats.

There are two toilets and two showers. Daily cleaning of the sanitary keeps everything very clean.
Every angler can use the fridge, freezer, kitchen (with microwave) and electricity for free.
A bakery and butcher’s shop are around the corner and at a 10 minute drive there is a big supermarket.

Every swim has it’s own picnic table, weightsling and unhook mat.
For € 140,- per week per person can be taken care of breakfast and diner for you. Nutrabaits (freezer baits) boilies are for sale at the clubhouse. Baitboats are for rent (€ 110,- per week) and a boat for swim one and two are for rent too.

Back to basics or luxury. Fishing from the own bivvy or from a chalet. Everything is possible at Etang du Vaulaurent. There are two chalets for two persons the first one at swim one and the second one at swim two.
The family chalet is for four persons and has a bathroom with a toilet and a bath. Please ask for the possibilities of renting a chalet.

The post Etang du Vaulaurent appeared first on Carp Crossing | WEBSITE.

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