Rybářský rozcestník

Etang de Vaumigny

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Saint-Denis-les-Ponts is a small place near Chateaudûn. This town with narrow streets and a beautiful castle on top of the hill is worth to visit.
Etang de Vaumigny is the place to be for the pease seeker. Between the many trees there is this old gravel pit of 37 acres. Four natural water sources are keeping the water of the lake fresh.

There are 15 swims, two of them are double swims.
The average depth of the lake is 2 meter and with an island above the surface and four islands under the surface this is the perfect lake for the beginner and advanced angler.
The use of boats is allowed, except inflatable boats.
To swims 1 to 8, 15 and 16 the car can be used. Other swims can be reached by foot.
In November and the first three weeks of March a nice discount is given (not at boat rental).
Bookings can be made from Saturday till Wednesday and from Saturday till Saturday.
Please inform for the possibilities to book this lake exclusive.
We ask our customers from the UK to book at Angling Lines.

The stock is excellent with over 900 fish. Half of it is heavier than 15 kilo. At least three carps weigh above 30 kilo and there are many 20-kilo carps. There are some big sturgeons from 55 and 60 kilo. France’s biggest diamond sturgeon of 39,5 kilo swims at Etang de Vaumigny.

The use of shower, toilet, electricity, fridge and freezer is free of charge.
Boat rental (the use of a life jacket is mandatory) costs € 80,- per week.

A barrow can be borrowed to transfer the fishing gear to the swims.
Pellets and corn are for sale at the friendly owners Frank and Dorita, which both speak English.
Daily groceries can be done, also on Sunday, in Chateaudûn.

Vaumigny does not have an accomodation for rent. Fishing from the own bivvy.

Because Frank and Dorita are very keen on the tidiness of the swims, they will ask a deposit of € 50,- at arrival, which ofcourse will be returned at departure when the swim is as clean as it was at arrival.

The post Etang de Vaumigny appeared first on Carp Crossing | WEBSITE.

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