Rybářský rozcestník

Etang de la Saussaie

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Etang de la Saussaie

Mereville (Meurthe-et-Moselle)
450 km from Utrecht

Etang de la Saussaie is a lake of 55 acres in the north of France. When you drive from the Netherlands through Luxembourg, there is no toll road.
The owner is a friendly French man who speaks English as well.
The lake counts 20 spacious swims, some of them suited for two persons. When you make a booking, you can give your preferences for a specific swim.

The lake is an old gravel-/sandpit; the soil mainly excists of sand and some gravelbanks. The average depth of the lake is 2.70 meter. Because of the variable character the use of a boat is an absolute must. This has to do with the many obstacles as trees and water lilies. Towards these obstacles we advise the use of nylon leader.


The stock of Etang de la Saussaie is very good. Every year the stock will be consummated with new carps (mirror- and common carps). The average weight of the carp is around 15 kilo. Some carps are above 30 kilo and the lake record is now 31,8 kilo. Besides carp, you might catch sturgeon, catfish, pike or grasscarp.


You can find a basic shower and a toilet at the entrance of the domain. The owner has the intention to build a second sanitary supply.


Because the owner wants to let the nature goes it’s own way, there is not many service. Despite the low level of luxury, there are three rowing boats for rent.
At less than a 5 minute drive you can find stores for the daily groceries.
Dogs are allowed but the lake owner must be informed before arrival and dogs must be kept on a lead.

At Etang de la Saussaie there is no accomodation.
Anglers can only fish from their own green/camouflage bivvy

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