Rybářský rozcestník

A Not so Common Night

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Searching for new spots is a thing that I like so much because I like to discover new world and with the right equipment is much more easy. During the years my experience gave me more capacity to “see” some spot that has been very productive. Technology now is over the top and is a very important part of my fishing. Thanks to my Humminbird Helix 5 SI echosounder reading the bottom is easier and better. I can put my trap in best position. In big fish water the main diet of the carp is generally of freshwater mussel (zebra mussel) and every hard snag or structure on the bottom is a place that they can use to stay attached. The carp know that! Put a trap close to a sunken tree is a logic thing. After I found the hot spot the next step is adapt the strategy thinking about the best rigs to use.
The bottom is quite firm but covered with a thin layer of debris so I went for a coated braid hooklink like my trusted Jelly Wire in 35 lb. The hook must be strong and very sharp because the prize could be very high. Fishing a food area we don’t need to put too many baits and then a simple stringer of three boilies and some handful of that around the rigs is more than enough.
Hearing some jump, makes me more hopeful because I know that the fish are active and more important not far from my spot.  Silence, no wind… surface smooth like oil… only wildlife reveal her presence… this is why I love carpfishing.
Midnight passed from some minute and a fast take on right rod make me jump straight away on the rod, it is a hard fight because I cannot give any line to avoid that the fish will go in the snag… When the fish is close to the bank… landing net ready… God of carp told that it wasn’t the moment and one last tree between me and the unknown fighter help the fish to find secure place and an hookpull was the bad finish. Sad for that…

No time to think about that because the left rod screamed and after the strike the fish fought hard, at the begin he took much line. Then slowly when he was close to the bank staying on the bottom swimming in a circle… heavy one!!!
For avoid too scare the fish I didn’t use my headlamp but was only the moonlight that light up the scene.
I didn’t know the size of the fish but the most important was to land it. I was so happy to see slide a gold common in to the net. Lifting the sling with the net inside to avoid I would break her fins or tearing the mouth. I had the feeling that I had a important visit. These carp are big and delicate and we must preserve them. Some pics and she went back in her world. Big queen, one more time thanks and thanks also to God of carp and to the nature that guest me.
See you on the bank


The post A Not so Common Night appeared first on Carpcrossing.com.

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