Rybářský rozcestník

Siren Calling

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Sometime the fishing session is like a travel where you know where it start but is totally unknown who you’ll meet. Well, also when we try to arrange everything in the perfect way, there is something that happened suddenly.
I’m here close to the water, looking for any sign of fish that could say that something could happened. Alone, me and the wild environment. Some monsters swim there… but where.
In this time of the year the fish are feeling the time of love and then start to patrolling more and more the shallow area.
I’m just came back on the bank with my boat. The echo sounder shows me some good spots to fish and then I dropped my two rods in the area. Trusted rigs and baits, I don’t want any regrets.
The night is coming and some jump not too far are the only sound that I can hear now. I’m now in my bivvy, I had a busy day and I’m so tired but I cannot sleep. My mind is flying away. I hope that the god of carp will be close to me this time.
Falling into the arms of Morpheus. The night passed by quiet. I like watching the water while the dawn is coming. Kettle on. The night are again a bit cold and a hot can to warm me up. The rods slept too. It is time for a walk to check some snag close to the bank. Maybe some fish are there. Then a bleep. Silence… Then a fast run on right rod. The fastest take I ever seen, the rod was bend and the reel looked crazy. Fish on!
The fish become again stronger and take many many meter of braided mainline. The fight can start, every time this make me happy like a child. A bit worried about the many snags that are on the margin because maybe that this strong fish can swim  there and I don’t want lost my prize. Slowly I gain line, the fish approach but far to be looser.
In the gin clear water I can see a gold shape that look a real pot of gold. The fish is closer and closer…. The big head came out of the water, the hook in the bottom lip and the magic bait still there.
Landing net ready… God of carp, please allow me to live some moment with her in front of the camera. Done! With a common in the net, I’m like freeze, inside I would scream, cry, smile… Or simply say that in your travel you can met something really good. The pot of gold is on the unhooking mat, the fins and tail are the biggest I ever seen. This is the siren. After taking some pics she is back in the water again. The siren calling is really and I was able to hear it!
See you on the bank…. Sometime.


The post Siren Calling appeared first on Carpcrossing.com.

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